Tuesday 13 October 2009

Where is peace

Recently, highly reputed board (Norwegian Nobel Committee) did a magnanimous err. Unanimously they handed peace into the hands of under qualified person for his contributions and extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people.

Extraordinary efforts!!! Isn’t this by default for every president?? Few people must have hard time to digest it considering his tenure.

Strengthen international diplomacy?? Is this criterion enough to get it? If yes then board should have glanced to a country called India. I bet they would have got nice competitors. Nevertheless, I think they did some prominent miscalculations or may be board must have run out of options and desperation lead to this result.

But, to err is human.

Thursday 13 August 2009

Ramen Soup

Inspired from the movie “The Ramen girl”, I decided to have ramen soup in Bangalore. But wish for having an authentic Japanese ramen soup in Bangalore was daunting task.

I shared this wish with my room partner and we started searching for restaurants in Bangalore but not able to find not even a single restaurant. I thought this isn’t a big deal and next day we can taste it. After lot of looking up, conferring with friends, I almost gave up on the wish. I almost ended up in going Japan.

But my room partner suggested why we don’t make it at home. Dubiously we made up our mind and started the formulations considering expenditure of going to Japan will be saved. Within a second, PC (courtesy to Google) showed us the authentic ramen soup recipe.

Went to market, bought all necessary items as indicated in recipe and initiated the project “Ramen soup”. Project lasted for 3 hours for obvious reasons. We were novice, noodles were hand made and disarray.

I duly accept, first preparation was not up to the mark but latter ones were amazing and every time we superseded the previous (part of continuous learning).

Just less than 100 bucks, servings for 3 people were made although we are just two. Successfully completion of the project ensued in the cancellation of Japan trip without any deferment.

Kudos to me and my room partner


Lift behavior

Recently I’ve been feting people, precisely near the lifts and am surprised and befuddled about what they do near lifts. Let me recall a simple incident, lift currently at 9th floor and pressed button to bring it down. At this point I’m alone and a lady arrives. Think for a moment, what should be the normal behavior keeping in mind that button is already pressed?? Wait? Of course yes.

In spite of button pressed, she went and pressed it again. What for? Will it make lift come faster with lightening speed? Or her pressing will do some magical trick resulting bypassing every floor and directly coming to ground floor? I’ve already pressed the button and it’s not like that people can’t see it pressed (button changes to red color as an indicator that it has been already pressed).

To my second shock, it’s with feminines only (just observation, no offence against them). Blind case would have been exceptional but this isn’t the case. What make them to do this stupid act that too in front of crowd? I really don’t know what and which kind of intelligence they want us to see though funny.

A couple of times I thought of interrupting them but this is just common sense. Till date, it keeps on happening.

Bye 

Tuesday 9 June 2009

One Sip

Lately, I was in cracking trouble and cause for that was one sip; sip of water. It’s not any ordinary water but an exceptional hybridizes water that can bring your ass into your own mouth literally!!

After it bumped into me first time in 2006, I have been super extra cautious about the water “thing”. Normally I NEVER drink water outside except BISLERI but the case am just going to tell you about was scripted in my own house. Just a minuscule mistake can bring your life upside down.

Everything was fine till Tuesday evening, came home, cooked food ate and slept. Next morning brothers in power diarrhea and viral invaded my well maintained physique. How?? Why?? I kept on thinking what did I do? Where did I go wrong? And then I recalled ONE SIP.

Let me rewind and tell you what exactly happened. To kneed flour I needed water, so I took tap running water which was clean but initially it was light brown in color , similar to old monk rum( for the record, I’m big fan of it). Hypnotized by it, I took ONE SIP without knowing that it got fuckers in it; the invisible fuckers!! The aftermath was disastrous and calamitous. Body and mind balance was spifflicated. Immune system hacked by invisible fuckers. Almost complete shutdown!! It was like files in the body were corrupted by virus and its needs restitution. Complete denial of insertion of any data in the body. Heavy data leakage a.k.a loose motions. Pain in the body like someone hammered me.

The utmost desire of SOS was at the peak. Thursday morning without any further delay, I took my ass to MANIPAL HOSPITAL. Dr. Holla, my life savior initially enjoyed, mocked on me. He tickled my already super vellicated ass but later he came down to business and gave me the much needed virus killer medicines.

Learning from all this was “affect differs in spite of same colored water”.

And to tell you, all this happened on day I was born. Thing that never ever happened on that day just took place.

A great and smashing HAPPY Birthday to myself. Even if i want to forget, i just can't.

That’s life. Expect the unexpected.

Sunday 17 May 2009

Awesome Bangalore @ 17:15

Soothing weather in Bangalore nowadays is really a nightmare. The comforting weather, greenery and non polluted air that I first experienced 4 years back all seem to be lost. Things changed dramatically and fast. Temperature that never used to go beyond 30 degree, now can smoothly and frequently crossing 35 degree. Alarming and disturbing to me!!

But, yesterday i.e. 17 May’09 17:15 for a moment I felt myself 4 years back. The darkest clouds hovered after much long time. Normally this time is for sweat sucker sunlight but things were totally reversed. I was delighted, relieved and somewhat over enjoyed. I and my roomy went down to sip coffee. Had puffs of ciggy, not a bad time to have it.

Of a sudden I asked roomy we should capture this awesome moment. Within few minutes we both were on terrace, little late. Rain god started pissing but not at full flow. But an experienced photographer like me can easily deal with minuscule chore. With my feel, past experience and intuition I finagled to have few snaps which captured the gritty, scary black clouds.

P.S. Attached snaps.

Monday 13 April 2009

Bungee Took One More

Guys’ bungee jumping is a grievous, life threatening and serious sport which I soon realized at the cost of life. Retrospect myself for 2 days.

I, Rajput, Chandan and Tamghana all charged up on Saturday morning or even before that, excitement was running through the nerves, mere thinking was giving me the goose bumps. Chandan was scared (soon to be real) and declined for it but he accompanied.
Adventure started around 10:30 AM, took bikes and reached the destination in 1 hr. In between we had little snack and ciggies. Spot was actually for Paint Ball arena game but it was accommodated to have bungee jumping as well. We thought we were on time but later came to know that our turn was around 4:30 PM. I got irritated and annoyed. Literally pissed off!!

Anyways, we were also registered for Paint Ball game too so we played that. Armed with artilleries having small plastic balls filled with paint acting as ammos. To be noted, we were provided with all major necessary safety directions like mask and safety jackets. Those balls looked really small but they can be really painful. Hit on right spot like ass, can give pain and leave a stamp. Playing was fun although we lacked strategy and tactics.

On the contrary, safety measures for the bungee jumping were bare minimum or I will say non existent. An ambulance which is mandatory for most of the sports was invisible. Just for the namesake they have nets held by few sticks which I am damn sure can’t even stand my weight then how in the world it can be used as safety precaution? And imagine a thing minimum weight of 50+ kg, freely falling from the height of 140+ feet on this piece of crap net. That thing is doomed.

Moreover when we looked carefully after few jumps, people were barely hanging over the net. People oscillated so they were not still, it’s not possible to be in still position.
Left to right and vice versa, is natural and piece of shit (net) was rarely in picture.

To kill time we all moved to nearby resort where we had swimming mainly, some chess curious folks got busy in chess. Other games like table-tennis, shuttle etc was also given a hand. Lunch was awesome; speaking about me I strictly ate mutton only.

Around 3:30 PM we thought of moving to arena but got news “It’s cancelled”. Hearing that I got frustrated!! Why the fuck it got cancelled? Reason was person got injured while doing reverse bungee jump (people are shot in air whereas in normal bungee jump people are dropped from top). Well enough valid and justifiable reason to be scrubbed off.

Did I say injured? That guy was declared dead when took to hospital. His safety jacket and ropes ripped off in the mid air (height around 150 feet) and smashed the surface right on head. Ambulance on the spot would have given him some chance but lack of negligence and responsibility by the organizing committee didn’t even give that. Another shocking thing, they didn’t even have NOC. How the fuck they were allowed to go for it?

I felt very fortunate to have my turn @ 4:30 PM, luck worked. One asshole name tamghana was asking for rescheduling event. Some people don’t even earn from other mistakes. I really felt sorry for that guy because it was entirely unexpected for everyone, myself, his friends and most important his parents.

I vowed to myself that only after carefully and cautiously scrutinizing the safety measures by the organizers I’ll go for bungee jumping.

Sheer carelessness and ignorance of organizers took bungee jump death toll to 3 (see the Wikipedia link).

Wikipedia link:

Monday 30 March 2009


For the past few months, I have been cooking. I know most of you people will not take this thing seriously and may mock but fact remains same. Moreover, guys are better cook than gals. Reason I can think of getting less opportunity to showcase their cooking talent and resultant they apply their emotional ingredients with the mix of passion and dedication.

Yesterday, we made Egg curry. Just FYI egg comes under both veg and non-veg category. Normally people serve this dish with full boiled eggs, some even fry them to make it crispy but friends our approach was different. It was sort of experiment and risk but then we are risk takers.

We altered the name to Egg-Aaloo-Cury . Altering the name is first step. And instead of placing boiled or fried egg, we placed yolk and albumen in the curry, the raw yellow and white part.

The complete recipe as follows (please give your 200% attention as any mistake can result in havoc results).

1) Chop the onions as small as possible (depending on how you want the curry increase the count of onions, simple rule no of onions directly proportional to thickness of curry.)
2) Be ready with garlic and ginger paste.
3) Boiled the potatoes, peel it and cut into considerable pieces.
4) Fine grained pieces of green chilly.
5) Put egg-curry mix into a bowl with water (for proper soaking).
6) Chopped coriander.
7) Put smashed part of egg into bowl (without water )

Put everything in cooker, give 3 whistles @ low fame and serve hot. Just kidding!!

Now, put some oil in cooker with chopped onions and green chilly and fry until reddish color appears. Now lay potato in it. Amalgamate them properly. After some time put ginger-garlic paste and again mix them.

Ready carefully as climax of this dish approaching. Smashed egg is given to the curry we just prepared. Let it cook for few minutes and then chip in egg-curry mix. Again cook it for few minutes and then put coriander leaves. Close the cooker and give 3 whistles @ moderate fame.

Voila!! It’d done whewww!!

Please go ahead and server hot now.