Thursday 3 April 2008

Tips --> Before you join any company

Switching job is not as easy what people say, think and act. General reactions are, join anyone; all are outstanding but saying is easy, actually doing it is what I experienced. It’s so confusing that I literally scratched my head, discussed with the friends, and asked them more than 10 times “Am I taking right decision”, “Will it help in my future career”, “How to proceed further” and many more such type of useless and wobbling questions kept on striking in my skull. It becomes more tedious, dreading and confounding task when you got more than 3 job offers in your damn hand and then you need to come on conclusion in no time. No matter how helping your friends are, the ultimate decision is yours only. No one to blame!!

Any wrong step, most welcome to empty well. To avoid such kind of results, I thought of pulling all things together and draft it somewhere, may be of some help to others as well. So below are few steps which I took:

  • Eye on the companies as per your skill set and domain. If however, wants to shift from one domain to other, be careful. It’s risky but risks are meant to be taken. It may prove worthy in some cases but deviating from you skill set need extra efforts. If ready, dive buddy.
  • Go thoroughly the company’s websites A to Z.
  • If any confusion regarding the work you going to put in, DON’T HESITATE to ask from the HR, even after you got the offer letter. Drop an email and clarify it ASAP. It’s always better to ask like a stupid person rather being a stupid all the time.
  • Be clear about the package offered by different firms. It happens most of the times, the way package seems; don’t look same after you join the firm. Again, any incertitude’s, get it rectified with the HR.
  • Comparison b/w the job offering firms. Analyze which firm is offering more precise work to you who again should be in line with your domain and skill set.
  • I didn’t mentioned what to do “If any company is offering more and still it don’t matches with my previous work?”. For this, money isn’t everything but by GOD it’s not less then GOD. Don’t think about the short term benefit you’ll get, @ one level everything gets normalized. Decorate your resume and you will be paid. Remember decoration needs time!! So in short, according to me go for equilibrized things. There is something called self-satisfaction also exists.
  • See how much you can grow with the company. Will you achieve your goals? Imagine yourself after 6 months, where you’ll be if you join that firm. What more you will add? How it going to be lucrative for you? Just answer them!!
  • Check out the company’s work environment as well, it shouldn't be interfering with your social life.
  • If decided, like a true professional, write a regret email to all other firms which you can’t join. It shows your true professionalism. (sample letter @ the end)

So, above mentioned are few points which you can follow while selecting the company. I know there are still many more things which I missed, feel free to add!!

Here is the sample regret email letter for reference.

Hi ……..,

I wish to inform you that due to some pressing problems at my end, I am unable to join “Company’s name” in “Location of company”. Even though I would feel honored to join your organization, but due to these unavoidable personal circumstances, I regret to say that I will not be able to take up the assignment and as such request you to kindly make alternate arrangements.

My sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused to you.




Joy Chakraborty said...

These tips r awesome dude..and r 100 % practical in life..

Waterfox said...
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Vaibhav Choudhary said...

Bull control your emotions. Neither finding a job is easy not selecting where to go.
God nothing gives us free . Nice blog btw.

██ █ █ रावत_ही™ ☠ said...

@ asty...saaale mazaak uda raha hai...kamine...

@chaud ya i knw..after finding part i discussed :) anyways thanks

Waterfox said...

"Check out the company’s work environment as well, it shouldn't be interfering with your social life. "
This is very valid. Specially if you are moving from a product company to services company. I have heard of ppl who move from Infy or TCS (and such) to Oracle (and such) and vice-versa getting a culture shock!

'Ultimate Tips' :)