Monday 13 October 2008

Basic Workout Tips!!!!

Healthy mind resides in healthy body. May not be true in every aspect but in context with exercises its truce. Everyone wants to have good toned physique but then nothing comes free in this world. To accomplish it they have to pay in terms of time, dedication and consistency.

In this blog I will cover basic of exercises that applies to all irrespective of body parts.
Frankly speaking to you, I’ve seen guys doing 99.9% of the exercises entirely fallaciously. Faulty postures, wrong guidance, no proper warm up, improper diet, are few out of many reasons.

First and foremost thing is FEELING. You can’t achieve the apex if you lack feeling. True everywhere!! Next is proper schedule. Have well defined, asserted and appropriate schedule. Doing haphazardly exercises is senseless and baseless. Don’t do prolonged workout as it will just lead to breakdown of tissues. Instead of building muscles, you’ll be deteriorating the tissues and subsequently muscles.

One thumb rule for all the workouts: “Normal lift, Hold and slow release”. More slowly you bring down the weights, more pressure you will give to the concerned body part. No matter how much weight you lift, policy should be above one. Sometimes in order to lift more heavy, people compensate with positions which isn’t advisable. Pro do it.

Correct positions plays vital role in workout. It should be dead correct else you will do some other body part whereas you’re supposed to do other. Maintain proper diet, another key. Normally I’m used to BRUNCH (Breakfast + Lunch), juices in afternoon and light dinner.

Don’t believe in notion of “More hours of workout, More muscle build”. That’s totally nonsensical and ridiculous. Ideal workout last for maximum 1.5 hrs. It’s not the quantity but the quality of workout matters.

Proper warm is damn necessary. It opens up your muscles and adds some flexibility. Ignorance can lead to serious damage sometimes but don’t take risk. I start with either jogging or skipping.


Sunday 12 October 2008

Soup Affect

Breakfast should never be vamoosed but we aren’t doing it intentional. It just happens no matter how hard we try, we just fall for it. This can turn upside down normal diet routine. Exactly same thing happened with us. Last Sunday, I and Rajput a.k.a Gaanda Bhai were sleeping like horse. Resultant, breakfast and lunch inadvertently missed.

Evening came with hungry empty-bellied tummies. I felt like someone has undergone some kind of evacuation. So we thought of visiting BEJING BITES; an authentic Chinese restaurant. It just happened I asked one of the servers “Are you guys from Beijing?” He replied “Beijing???????????” Hope message is conveyed.

Rajput insisted for soup, so we ordered “Veg Lemon Pepper Soup” and rest particulars. The first sip of soup commanded the rest dinner. Virtually, smoke came out from my ears like a whistle. Even though I wasn’t crying tears were flowing like Ganga Jamuna, sweat on the forehead in the presence of decent AC ambience. And I forget to tell initially we added extra pepper!! Woes bestowed not knowing the nature of soup.

Accession of tomato sauce in the peppery soup mitigated the situation but the damage was already done. Aftermaths were seen next morning in the washroom which was affirmed by Rajput.

So, if you are in a mood to take sweet revenge, please do order above mentioned soup. It won’t let you down.