Sunday 12 October 2008

Soup Affect

Breakfast should never be vamoosed but we aren’t doing it intentional. It just happens no matter how hard we try, we just fall for it. This can turn upside down normal diet routine. Exactly same thing happened with us. Last Sunday, I and Rajput a.k.a Gaanda Bhai were sleeping like horse. Resultant, breakfast and lunch inadvertently missed.

Evening came with hungry empty-bellied tummies. I felt like someone has undergone some kind of evacuation. So we thought of visiting BEJING BITES; an authentic Chinese restaurant. It just happened I asked one of the servers “Are you guys from Beijing?” He replied “Beijing???????????” Hope message is conveyed.

Rajput insisted for soup, so we ordered “Veg Lemon Pepper Soup” and rest particulars. The first sip of soup commanded the rest dinner. Virtually, smoke came out from my ears like a whistle. Even though I wasn’t crying tears were flowing like Ganga Jamuna, sweat on the forehead in the presence of decent AC ambience. And I forget to tell initially we added extra pepper!! Woes bestowed not knowing the nature of soup.

Accession of tomato sauce in the peppery soup mitigated the situation but the damage was already done. Aftermaths were seen next morning in the washroom which was affirmed by Rajput.

So, if you are in a mood to take sweet revenge, please do order above mentioned soup. It won’t let you down.


Joy Chakraborty said...

wow dude u had a grt experience...
Do take this soup will keep you calm and quite :D ..with ur abusive language controlled ..

Life is What we make it said...

The name of the soup is itself self explanatory...its had pepper in it :)
i think u ppl r really very hungry so u forget tht pepper soup is HOT n not SWEET

next tme if i had a chance to go hotel n it has this soup in list...i vould luv to try :)

██ █ █ रावत_ही™ ☠ said...

@like is

Yeah sure try it out!! Self experience is best experience :)


What that suppose to mean??? X-(

Yogee said...

Who is this "life is what we make it"? I would luv see you sipping that soup. It will be my treat then.

oopsie daisy said...

Skipped breakfast and lunch [or brunch]... and as if that wasnt contributing enough to hunger, you guys ordered for a serving of appetizer in the form of a soup.... wow !!!! hats off to you buddy !!! and then again, mate, one with the word "pepper" in it [you really dont need to know mandarin to understand that, right?].

Anyway, now I know the right place to take when you pester me for treats... :)

Yogee said...

Ok.. I've two people in my list (for treat). This desi guy is really eager to taste that wonder.
Mr Desi, we clearly understand meaning of "papper" and know the taste of it. But soup which can makes ur ass steaming like fresh momo is different.
This blog doesn't mention it but we recovered many pieces of red spicy chillies too.

██ █ █ रावत_ही™ ☠ said...


lol!! we underestimated the entropy of "papper" in the soup :) lead to burning asses lol!!!

oopsie daisy said...

Oh thanks Yogee, I'd love to give u company over a bowl of soup anytime :) [so, I suppose you are that second victim] But then again, a few things worth mentioning - pepper doesnt always mean the round black spice which we usually use [with due respect to you], but also these "firangis" call red chillies as pepper [ever tasted the Tabsaco red pepper sauce ? well you should !]. And now that your asses are on fire, you've got only yourself to blame [but then whats life without a bit of adventure, right ???]

P.S: I havent forgotten your invitation to taste this "wonder" :)

██ █ █ रावत_ही™ ☠ said...

@ daisy

Yeah that was one kinda adventure and i accede with you, until and unless one tries, one cannot know :).

We ain't blaming anyone dude :). It's just we had one incident and wanted to share :).

As far invitation is concerned, it's still holds true, but with little twist i.e. 2 bowls of soup :).

Sometimes people should not take things lightly !!